- standard, szabványos formájú, 3,5" elektronikus érmevizsgáló
- tökéletes vending-, parking-,gaming, vagy egyéb területen történő felhasználásra
- a többfrekvenciás mérési technológia (multi frequency technology) a szenzorok rugalmasabb működését eredményezi
- the complex analysis of inserted coins enables optimal material detection and evaluation of 24 measurement parameters for reliable acceptance of genuine coins and rejection of counterfeits.
- the G-13.mft is capable of detecting and handling 32 different coins in 2 X16 groups, using a combination of two independent configurations.
- coins and tokens that have not been set by NRI prior to shipment can be easily programmed (teach mode) without the use of a programming station, by simply dropping the coin directly into the coin tester.
- acceptance speed 2 coins/sec, in casino mode 6 coins/sec
- enable/disable via DIP switches
Highest level of coin security guaranteed by special MFT technology.
Main features:
High security
Using Multi Frequency Technology (MFT)
Detection of coin material by a combination of 3 pairs of coils and optical diameter measurement
Continuous evaluation of 24 different measuring parameters
Anti-return protection
Optical control of coin channel for higher security
Inhibit individual coins or even entire coin groups with DIL switch
Teach function up to 8 coins
Supported communication protocol: S1, MDB, ccTalk (via USB), parallel (binary or standard)
Midi and mini front panel
Wake-up sensor
s2 3 way standard sorter
d2 3 way high speed sorter
Dimensions: 102 (M) mm x 89 (W) mm x 52 (D) mm
Coin diameter: 15 - 31.5 mm (optional up to 32.5 mm)
Coin thickness: 1,5 - 2,5 mm (optional up to 3,3 mm)
Temperature: -25°C to +70°C
Power supply: 12-24 V DC